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SAVE THE DATE: Essentials of City Building: Managing Urban Development

Theme: Essentials of City Building: Managing Urban Development

Dates: 19th, 25th & 27th October


The governance in cities and urban areas in Kenya has not been critically set out as had earlier been anticipated after devolved systems took over the planning and implementation of projects. These urban areas have faced a capacity challenge in human resources, thus affecting their efficiency, resulting in anomalies such as rogue constructions, informal settlements, and slum growth in urban areas. This also comes as a result of reluctant urban systems mandated with the processing of development permission applications to manage urban land, provision of infrastructure, and social and economic services.

This year’s theme Essentials of City Building: Managing Urban Development envisions a more sustainable future through observance of standards and principles of planning to provide an environment where people have rights and access to the benefits and opportunities of inclusive cities. The objectives of the AAK UTC are to establish the challenges facing the management of modern urban areas, examine the mechanisms and innovations that are necessary for sustainable urban management, establish the role of stakeholders and their contribution to the management of modern urban areas, and activate the relevant partnership to initiate and sustain necessary actions in urban management for sustainable development. AAK organized the Urban Thinkers Campus 5.0 in 2020 based on the theme Designing a Multi-Hazard Resilient City with specific reference to the coastal towns in Kenya as case studies. Through the campus, the diverse speakers and panelists analyzed the challenges of sustainable and resilient urban development and developed appropriate strategies and measures necessary for achieving urban resilience.

This will be the second UTC that AAK will host and it will be a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and opportunities for sustainable urbanization in Kenya. Our Campus for Phase 7.0 reflects on several SDGs: Goal 3 on good health and well-being; Goal 4 on gender equality; Goal 6 on clean water and sanitation; Goal 8, which promotes decent work and economic growth; Goal 9, which highlights industry, innovation, and infrastructure for improved productivity; Goal 11, which calls for transformation in managing urban areas in order to build sustainable communities and cities, SGD 13 on climate action and resilient and finally SDG 16 and 17 calling for cities to be managed through public participation and democratically governed.

The New Urban Agenda represents a shared vision for a sustainable future, where if urbanization is well-planned and well-managed, it can be a powerful tool for sustainable development. Urban management is, therefore, very critical in ensuring that urbanization is matched by access to basic infrastructure, shelter, and employment through policies, plans, programs, and practices. When we look at The City We Need Now (TCWNN), Urban management is captured in various aspects. We already see that our theme is tackled within four key drivers of The City We Need Now! (Governance and Partnerships, Planning and Design, Finance, and Monitoring and Evaluation).

All four key drivers are represented within all aspects of Urban Management; however, we find that other drivers mentioned in TWNN also correlate to various tasks/provisions related to Urban Management. Some of these drivers, which will be key areas of focus for our campus include: Governance and partnerships, Planning and design, finance, land, housing and services, health and safety, technology, and monitoring and evaluation.

Our UTC speakers will address the following:

  • Managing Urbanization- Critical Analyses

  • The Silver Bullet in Urban Management

  • Resilient Urban Housing

  • Nexus Between Health and Homes

  • Adaptive Planning in Upgrading Informal Settlements

  • Management of Urban Mobility

  • Adaptation and Resilience in Urban Development

Title of your Urban Thinkers Campus 7.0: Essentials of City Building: Managing Urban Development Lead organizer: Architectural Association of Kenya (AAK)

Co-organizers: International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP), International Union of Architects (UIA), Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA), and International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) Beginning

Date: 19th October 2022 End Date: 27th October 2022


Core List of Moderators: 1. Juliet Rita 2. Marylyn Musyimi 3. Nakoli Maloba 4. Mary Odhiambo 5. Mark Ojal 6. Ruth Mwai


Core List of Speakers: Keynote Speakers- Wilson Mugambi President AAK H.E. Prof Anyang Nyong’o, Chairperson, Urban Development, Planning and Lands Committee Peter Oborn- President, Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA) Emmanuel Ssinabulya, President, Uganda Society of Architects (USA) UTC Host –

The Website for information and registration of participants:

UTC Host - Social Media Channels: @Arch_KE- Facebook @Arch_KE- Twitter

Republished from AAK publication.


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