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Exploring Proximity for the Future of Urban and

Territorial Development at the American University in Cairo
at the occasion of the World Urban Forum 12

Powered by World Urban Campaign – Global Observatory of Sustainable Proximities – International Research Team “New Proximities”

Scientific chair: Professor Carlos Moreno

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Date: 6th November 2024

Scientific Event: from 8:00 to 12:30 - Interactive workshops: from 13:30 to 16:00

Location: American University of Cairo, New Cairo Campus - (P007, CVC, Bassily)

AUC Directional Map:

Language: English and Arabic 

Documents: AUC UrbanLab -  AUC UrbanLab 2

Background: Since August 2021, the “New Proximities”, an international research team, has organised monthly webinars, inviting a broad range of multidisciplinary experts. Through two years, researchers and practitioners provided insights on how to rethink our urban lifestyles through proximity, covering aspects of mobility, culture, emotions, innovation, economic development, citizen participation, and biodiversity, among others.

Proximity, understood as the physical and functional closeness of urban services, infrastructures, and communities, has emerged as a powerful response to the pressing challenges of modern cities. In the face of climate change, economic inequalities, and social fragmentation, proximity offers a blueprint for creating compact, connected, and inclusive urban spaces. By fostering walkability, enhancing public transportation, and encouraging mixed-use development, cities can become more resilient, environmentally sustainable, and socially equitable.

Event objectives: The event will conclude the seminar series on “New Proximities.” The objectives will be to reflect on the outcomes of the previous sessions and exchange on the following steps to expand the discussion's boundaries towards new proximities. Additionally, the World Urban Forum provides the opportunity to open the debate on New Proximities in the Global South region, investigating current practices and their potential applicability.

This half-day conference will delve into these issues through keynote presentations, expert panels, and open discussions. The session will be structured around three main themes:

  1. Ecological Transition and Proximity: How can urban proximity reduce carbon footprints and promote greener, more sustainable living? This discussion will explore the role of proximity in reducing energy consumption, minimising urban sprawl, and encouraging local production and consumption cycles.

  2. Economic Resilience through Proximity: Proximity supports sustainability and fosters economic resilience by creating local jobs, supporting small businesses, and enhancing local supply chains. Participants will discuss how proximity can be leveraged to create more self-sufficient and economically robust communities.

  3. Social Inclusion and Urban Proximity: Cities prioritising proximity promote greater social inclusion by ensuring that essential services—such as schools, healthcare, and public spaces—are within easy reach of all citizens. This panel will focus on how proximity can reduce social inequalities and strengthen community bonds.

A Collaborative Session for Exploring Urban Solutions

This event represents a crucial opportunity for researchers, professors, academics, students, innovative urban planners and policymakers to engage in a rich dialogue about proximity. The conclusions drawn from this half-day session will not only feed into the broader agenda of the World Urban Forum but also have the potential to significantly shape more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive urban futures for all. It will also feed into the ongoing #HousingMatters thematic campaign under the World Urban Campaign led by UN-Habitat and a wide range of partner organizations.

This condensed yet dynamic session will explore the proximity paradigm in addressing the ecological, economic, and social challenges cities and territories face in the 21st century. With brief, impactful interventions and engaging discussions, the session aims to offer actionable insights and foster participant collaboration.


8:00 – 8:20  |Registration and Welcome Coffee
Participants are invited to register and network over coffee before the session begins.


8:20 – 8:30 |Welcome

A welcome address from representatives of the American University in Cairo and WUF / WUC


8:30 - 9:15 |​The American University of Cairo Urban Lab session

8:30 - 8:55 |– Official launch of the American University of Cairo Urban Lab

8:55 - 9:15 |– Keynote: Expanding New Proximities to Global South: Carlos Moreno


9:15 – 9:35 |Proximity as a Catalyst for Urban Transformation 

9:15 – 9:25 |– Keynote: “Proximities as research field and a leverage to accelerate transformation and empower change makers” Catherine Gall (Chaire ETI IAE Paris-Sorbonne)

9:25 – 9:35 |– Keynote: Desert Catalysts and Future Urbanization: Lessons learned from 30 years of researching Gated Communities ) Momen El-Husseiny (AUC, Urban Lab)


9:35 –10:05 |​Ecological Transition Through Proximity

Matteo Colleoni (Bicocca Milan University) & Mostafa El-Toukhy (VeryNile)
We will explore how proximity reduces carbon footprints by encouraging more compact, walkable cities with localised services.


10:05 – 10:35 |Economic Resilience and Local Economies

André Torre (INRAE Paris Saclay) & Salma El-Lakany (VeryNile), Mohamed Abouelela (TUM Munich)
We will highlight how proximity strengthens local economies by fostering local production, supporting small businesses, and creating jobs.

10:35 – 11:05 |The caring city 

Momen M. El-Husseiny (AUC), Laura Petrella (UN-Habitat), Anna Barker (University of Leeds)
This talk will focus on the role of proximity in reducing social inequalities by ensuring accessible services and amenities for all urban residents.




11:15 – 11:45 |Governance and Community Engagement

11:15 – 11:45 |Benjamin Büttner (TUM Munich), Ahmed Shalaby (Cairo University, Tatweer Misr), Dr. Nihal El-Megharbel (Senator and member of the Housing, Local Administration, and Transportation Committee, Egyptian Senate House)

Discuss how proximity can lead to more inclusive governance, where citizens actively participate in urban planning.


11:45 – 12:00 |Launch of the CNAPP book on Proximity (Italy): 

Giuseppe Cappochin (CNAPPC)/ Matteo Colleoni / Carlos Moreno / Catherine Gall


12:00 – 12:20 |Closing Remarks and Takeaways

Catherine Gall & Carlos Moreno & Momen M. El-Husseiny

A summary of the key insights from the session, followed by concluding remarks from the organisers.

Ways forward - Proximity research engaging with the Observatory Scientific Committee 


12:20 – 12:30 |Announcing the International Conference in Paris: “Sustainable Proximities Matter”


13:30 – 16:00 |Proximity Creative Workshops

Catherine Gall & Chiara Martinuzzi (Chaire ETI - IAE Paris Sorbonne) & Benjamin Büttner (TUM Munich)

Two creative workshops will run in parallel to further explore the implementations and benefits of urban proximities through innovative tools:  

  • Proximity Fresk Workshop - Catherine Gall & Chiara Martinuzzi (Chaire ETI) - LINK

The Proximity Fresk is a persona-based workshop designed to help individuals and groups collaboratively envision and build sustainable urban scenarios. The tool fosters creative engagement and sparks a discussion around the 6 social functions. By diving into the daily routine of personae, participants will propose innovative solutions to promote more connected, inclusive, and resilient cities.

  • Flowers of Proximity - Benjamin Büttner (TUM Munich) - LINK

The Flower of Proximity is a participatory tool that helps individuals map their preferences for proximity to various urban services and amenities, such as workplaces, schools, and shops. By visualising these preferences through a "flower" shape, the tool provides insights into how different people value proximity in their daily lives, helping inform urban planning for more sustainable and inclusive cities

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United Nations Human Settlements Programme 





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