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Drafting Committee

Sri Sofjan (Huairou Commission), Sandeep Chacha (ActionAid India), Robert Gillen (World Vision), Claus-Peter Echter (ICOMOS), Didier Vancutsem (IFLA Europe), Jane Katz and Marc Weiss (Global Urban Development), Judith Hermanson (IHC Global), Tristan Morel (ADP Association de Professionnels – Villes en Développement), Circe Monteiro (INCITI/Federal University of Pernambuco), Analia Pastran (Smartly Social Entrepreneurship on the SDGs), Mona Rady (International Union of Architects, Habitat Professionals Forum), Ben Wong (Compass Housing), Eric Huybrechts (Institut Paris Region/FNAU-MTPA), Chris Elisara (World Evangelical Alliance), Olafiyin Taiwo (Commonwealth Association of Planners), Christine Auclair (UN-Habitat), Damien Thibon (UN-Habitat).

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