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1. We, Urban Thinkers of the World Urban Campaign, are committed to The City We Need NOW, its ten key principles and actions to achieve sustainable urbanization.

2. As non-state actors joined by a shared vision, we commit to combine our strengths to build TCWNN.

3. As local and sub-national authorities, we will act as catalysts of policies, strategies and actions to deliver TCWNN.

4. As research and academia, we will contribute knowledge through relevant research to advance TCWNN.

5. As civil society organizations, we will mediate between civil society actors and the State to ensure the representation of all in the realization of TCWNN.

6. As grassroots organizations, we will ensure the inclusion of all grassroots communities in the realization of TCWNN.

7. We will ensure the full inclusion of a diversity of women and girls at all levels of TCWNN. This implies also a life cycle approach to include older women and non-binary people. 

8. As parliamentarians, we will promote TCWNN principles in national policies and urban legislation.

9. As children and youth, we will make sure that TCWNN is sustainable and resilient for future generations.

10. As business and industries, we will contribute through innovations and inclusive solutions to deliver TCWNN.

11. As foundations and philanthropies, we will partner with others to support and finance TCWNN.

12. As professionals, we will use our skills to build TCWNN and promote professional and ethical practices.

13. As trade unions and workers, we will support and protect the builders of TCWNN.

14. As people with disabilities, we will advocate for increased accessibility and inclusiveness.

15. As older persons, we will ensure the experience of the do’s and don'ts of TCWNN to improve policies and practices, and ensure inclusion for all.

16. As farmers, we will nurture The TCWNN through sustainable agricultural practices.

17. As indigenous people, we will infuse our local ancestral knowledge and customs in TCWNN.

18. As media, we will promote and disseminate TCWNN.

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