The pressure is on to make positive steps towards combating climate change, as the international community gets ready to meet at COP26 in Glasgow on 31 October 2021.
Recognizing that Climate Change is one of the planet’s greatest challenges, the World Urban campaign has called to climate action in 2021 to vigorously address the destruction of ecosystems and the threat to undo decades of development gains. Without transformational action, climate emergencies will become increasingly severe, have declared the +170 partner organizations of the World Urban Campaign (WUC).
Rapid and far-reaching transitions in energy, land, urban systems and infrastructure as well as industrial production are necessary, requiring ambitious and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society.
The World Urban Campaign partners have discussed concrete actions through a series of Urban Thinkers Campus organized all along the year. Finally, they have nominated ‘City Changers’, individuals who have made an essential contribution to address the challenges of climate change at their level:
1. M. Peter Kurz, Lord Mayor of Mannheim, Germany
2. M. Anil Kumar, Mayor of Kochi, India
3. M. Mahmoud AlBurai, Senior Advisor, Real Estate Regulatory Agency Dubai, UAE
4. M. David Sagita, Centre for Climate and Urban Resilience
5. Ms. Maria R.Perbellini, New York Institute of Technology, New York City, USA
6. Ms. Nelly Watta, WINAM GRASSROOTS, Kisumu, Kenya
7. Ms. Arpita Bhagat, Campaign Manager, Purpose, Mumbai, India
8. M. Dave Adamson, Group Chief Strategic Engagement Officer, Compass Housing
9. M. Alberto Nunez, Founder, Guerilla Verde, Asuncion, Paraguay
10. M. Marc A. Weiss, Chairman and CEO, Global Urban Development, Washington, USA
The nominated ‘City Changers’ have demonstrated INNOVATION, IMPACTS and MULTIPLE BENEFITS:
INNOVATION: the activities delivered by the 'City Changers' are innovative
IMPACT: the activities delivered by the 'City Changers' have been significant
MULTIPLE BENEFITS: the activities delivered by the 'City Changers' have numerous advantages at the city and local area levels