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provide your inputs to The City We Need Now! before 3 March 2022!

Dear WUC partners, As you know, Governments will soon review their progress in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda. At the six-year mark of this Agenda, a one-day high-level meeting will be held on 28 April 2022, which was mandated by the UN General Assembly in December 2020 (resolution 75/224). As we are moving towards this High-Level meeting, the WUC partners have started to review The City We Need manifesto prepared towards the Habitat III Conference (2016) as a way to make their own assessment on priorities in the New Urban Agenda by asking about the progress in attaining the City they need. The revised version will assert priorities for The City We Need in a context of urgency (climate, social and economic crisis, inequalities) and the key role of cities as accelerators to achieve the SDGs by 2030. Please find below The City We Need Now! which is the third version of The City We Need.

Please review the text under the 10 action areas and make suggestions in the text. 1. Health and Well-being 2. Peace and Safety 3. Climate adaptation and resilience 4. Inclusion and Gender equality 5. Economic opportunities for all 6. Culture and Identity 7. Local governance 8. Urban Planning and Design 9. Housing, Services and Mobility 10. Learning and Innovation INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOUR COMMENTS

  • Please send us suggestions for new text and replacement by mentioning specific pages and paragraphs. Noting that this text has already been negotiated through several iterations, changes should be strategic and minimal.

  • Please ALSO suggest quick wins, intermediate and long-term actions under each principle.

  • Indicate your general commitments in the last pages as a member of a constituency.

  • The WUC Secretariat will incorporate your comments in the text and forward them to the Drafting Committee for finalisation and approval by the WUC Steering Committee in the course of April.

  • Please send your comments to before 3 March 2022 at midnight GMT.

Please note that we are planning the launch of The City We Need Now! before/on 26 April 2022. We will keep you informed on the event date/time. Please note that as of 7 Feb 2022, the drafting Committee is composed of: Sri Sofjan (Huairou Commission), Sandeep Chacha (ActionAid India), Robert Gillen (World Vision), Claus-Peter Echter (Icomos), Didier Vancutsem (Isocarp Institute), Jane Katz and Marc Weiss (Global Urban Development), Cecil W Steward (Josslyn Institute for Sustainable Communities), Judith Hermanson (IHC), Tristan Morel (ADP), Circe Monteiro (INCITI), Analia Pastran (Smartly Social Entrepreneurship), Mona Rady (UIA), Ben Wong (Compass Housing), Eric Huybrechts (Institut Paris Region), Chris Elisara (WEA), Olafiuin Taiwo (CAP), Christine Auclair and Damien Thibon (UN-Habitat, Secretariat).

In advance many thanks for your input. The City We Need Now! will be an important manifesto and milestone document in 2022. The WUC will value your precious contributions. Kind regards,

The WUC Secretariat


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United Nations Human Settlements Programme 





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